Regarding Apdu Commands for the NFC reader.

Forum / MIFARE and NFC Reader IC`s / Regarding Apdu Commands for the NFC reader.

  • 12. September 2014 at 9:07
    I want to know about the NFC apdu commands for the Mifare classic , DESfire Cards. what is thew flow fo rthat. i am very new to this. i am unable to get that what may be the flow.
    so please tell me the flow of NFC card reader. and the wichi apdu command I need to send.
    i am having reader MFC523.
    Cards i have is NFC classic, Desfire.
    so please send me documents regrading the apdu commands. and the flow..
    please help me ...:( :(
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    Re: Regarding Apdu Commands for the NFC reader.

    17. September 2014 at 19:18
    Dear Friends,

    I am write a C library to interface the transceiver PN512 FNC EXPLORE with a 8 bit microcontroller. But currently I cannot read UID from a NFC MIFARE Ultralight card or any data or memory segments.

    I lost the last tree day try solve this problem, but cannot found a solutions. Please I need your help.

    This is my code to send data from FIFO BUFFER to RF anntena and read data sent by Card:

    The code below init the PN512 NFC Board EXPLORE to enable the RF antenna and write the command that will be send to fifo


    EXPLORE_NFC_PN512_WRITE_MB_INTO_FIFO_BUFFER(OutBuffer,0x01); // 0x26 is the data written into the fifo buffer

    NOW is time to send the data to NFC Card:

    nBytes=EXPLORE_NFC_PN512_GetFifoLevel(); // Get FiFo level
    EXPLORE_NFC_PN512_READ_FIFO_BUFFER_MB(ReaderBuffer, 0x02);

    After send the data I will check the data sent by card. In my case I dont receive nothing.

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